Work Less, Produce More | Podcast Episodes

The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger

Men's Mental Health at Work

Mental health at work is a current topic of interest, especially since the beginning of the pandemic. While we have seen a slide in mental wellbeing across populations, there are some clear gender differences that have become apparent. In this episode we speak to Jake Stika, the executive director of Next Gen Men, a non profit focused on health and wellbeing of men in our communities and gender equity in the workplace, on some of the key differences for men's mental health and what we can do to better support them at work.

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The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger

Gratitude At Work

The act of gratitude has received a lot more attention lately, as we all navigate periods of stress and uncertainty. Gratitude has extensive positive consequences in the workplace as leaders and team members. This tool is free, has benefits to you and those around you but also can be one of the most challenging things to remember to do when you are in survival mode.

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The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger

How to Disagree With Colleagues Respectfully

Conflict is simply a reality of humans working together, a necessity to innovate and tension that can help embrace the power of diverse minds and yet, we are rarely taught how to manage conflict. In this episode, I speak to Amy Gallo an expert on workplace conflict on how to lean into, manage and have productive, meaningful conflict.

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The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger

How We Can Slow Down to Speed Up

We are working at a faster, more rigorous pace than ever before. That relentless push is not how humans were designed to perform. We, as humans, need adequate breaks and recovery. In this episode we speak with performance expert Dr. Greg Well, exploring the questions how do we do we design our days to perform at our best? Learn how to slow down, to speed up.

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The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger

Leadership Shifts Needed to Manage Remotely

As we reimagine work with some of or all of our workforce remaining online - how has our approach to leadership changed? How do we connect with, engage, motivate and hire in a remote world? In this episode, we speak with Shelly Spiegel, who has been managing her fully remote team for over 20 years for her insight on how the remote work world is different and how we can lead more effectively.

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The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger The Science of Work, Podcast Dr Lisa Belanger

War On Talent

Have you ever stopped and wondered how this lasting pandemic will shape the class of talent entering into the workplace? What opportunities and setbacks are involved? How can companies prepare for this “war” and what perks and benefits should they consider offering? Listen in on the conversation with Dr. Lisa Belanger and Randy Tarnowski, Senior Researcher at Handshake, to gain insight into what can be expected as we enter this war on talent.

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