The Burnout Alert System

6 Red Flags & Solutions For Your Team

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Burnout is not a badge of honour…

It is a breaking point.  

Don’t let burnout disrupt your team's workflow. Find out how to spot and eliminate workplace burnout before it spreads and takes over.

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Break Down Burnout and Build Up Engagement

Target the individual needs of your employees and create a path for your team to start working less and producing more more revenue, more opportunities, and more career fulfillment. For your whole team.

Your job as a leader

…is not to carry the team, but to foster their sustainable growth and fulfillment. Your goal is to satisfy the needs of each member of your team individually before you can assess what the team needs as a whole.

Red Flags

  • Overwhelmed

  • Overloaded

  • Overworked

  • Struggling

  • No time

  • Operating in survival mode

  • Lagging behind

Green Flags

  • Efficient

  • Connected

  • Creative

  • Growing

  • Fulfilled

  • Operating full tilt

  • On top of it

You have no time to actually lead when you're constantly putting out fires. Without the right mindset and tools, the more time you put into your business the more it will hold you back; and you just can’t expand or grow your business when you're stuck in the throes of turmoil and discontent.

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Get your team back.

Don’t wait until the damage is done! 

Get your free copy of The Burnout Alert System and get everything you need to go from exhausted to engaged.  Don’t let workplace burnout takeaway your team’s ability to be the best.

About Dr. Lisa Belanger

Dr. Lisa Belanger helps burnt out bosses do less and produce more. As the CEO of ConsciousWorks, a consulting firm that helps leaders apply the findings from leading-edge scientific research to maximize their mental capacity and performance, she teaches leaders how to eliminate burnout and rebuild their workplace culture to support top performance for the individuals on their teams. Lisa’s “Work Less Workplace” system provides individuals with the tools they need to create a work/life integration that fuels their drive instead of draining their ambition.

Lisa has a Ph.D. in Behavioral Medicine, an Executive MBA, and is a Certified Exercise Physiologist and High Performance Specialist. Prior to COVID-19, Lisa was traveling the world (with her two month old baby) visiting companies to explore workplace culture, leadership, and the ability to destress from work.

Pulling from the data and her lived experience she has created and hosts the popular podcast, Work Less, Produce More.

Lisa is also the founder of a national charity, Knight’s Cabin, offering wellness programming to cancer survivors and the author of Inspire Me Well: Finding Motivation to Take Control of Your Health & A Cup of Mindfulness: For the Busy & Restless.

Her greatest accomplishments include climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with her father, running the Paris Marathon, and being a professional snack holder to two tiny humans.