Team Resources

Team Building | Connection | Mindfulness Exercises

Find resources here for your team; in the workplace and at home!

Our collection includes team-building exercises, communication tools, project management templates, and more.

These resources are designed to help you foster a positive and productive team culture, improve communication and collaboration, and achieve your goals more efficiently.

Cup of Cocoa

Kid Mindfulness

Hot Cocoa Exercise

The hot cocoa breaths technique helps children to learn deep breathing by allowing them to imagine smelling hot cocoa, then blowing on it to cool it off. This technique works with children of all ages and adults too! Try making a real hot cocoa together and practice, the memory of the smell and taste of the hot cocoa will help to reinforce the activity through using senses.

*Fun colouring page included in the download!

5 Habits for A Resilient Brain

Key behaviours to building a strong, agile mind.

By ConsciousWorks

Whether you call it mental health, mental well-being, performance, mental strength, resilience or agility there are a core set of daily behaviours to allow our brains to function at their best.

Roadmap Documents

Workplace Resilience Roadmap

1 Year’s Worth of Resources!

Our easy-to-implement workplace roadmap gives you everything you need to promote organizational resilience while saving you time, energy, and effort.

Our monthly detailed guide makes behaviour change interesting, fun, and rewarding while staying rooted in evidence-based research to build the best wellness program at work.

Looking for more resources?